Our Story

~ Kris & Alex ~


How did we meet? Drunk at a bar. But that’s another story ;)

This is about how Kris and Alex went from:
juggling part time jobs & no direction in life — to six figure entrepreneurs


We were young. And in love. You know, the typical.



I was a fresh college graduate. With my degree in one hand, and my hopes in the other, I stepped into the adult world thinking that I was going to achieve it all.
I was offered several full time jobs upon graduation, and I ended up turning all of them down. What was I thinking?
That’s the thing… I wasn’t. I went with my gut instinct. I went with my heart.
I didn’t want any of those jobs. In fact, I didn’t want any full time job. Somehow I already knew that I was going to go in a different direction than the norm. But I just didn’t know what yet.
After juggling various part time jobs (at one point I had 5… I also don’t know why) I ended up quitting ALL of them to go to Peru with Alex, who I had recently started dating. I literally dropped everything to go on a two week trip with a guy I had dated for less than 6 months.


For the first time since I was 17, I was unemployed. But I was also super freaking happy. Because for once, I didn’t have to worry about a thing. I could just simply, live.
Those two weeks reminded me of why I felt the need to quit all of my jobs, and why my love for travel was so strong.
I came back home to an empty slate. I could be anything I wanted. But unfortunately, I fell into working a boring, part-time, finance job trapped at a desk.
I was miserable. I would come home without wanting to talk to anyone, including Alex. I would just cry for absolutely no apparent reason, except for the fact I was unhappy.
I was back to where I was before… how did I let this happen?
It was sickening to go through this cycle of being upset with my job and simultaneously not doing anything about it. So I just said… FUCK IT.
I signed up for any and every online webclass I could find. I watched webinars, read articles, listened to podcasts, anything I could get my hands on.
I attempted an online boutique, consulting, mentoring, YouTubing, blogging, journaling, social media managing… you name it.
Until I found a business that was the right fit for me. It was everything that I wanted in an online business, and most importantly, it was sustainable enough to help me retire from my finance job!
All I had to do, was START.



I was a bit of a troublemaker, if you will. A kolohe.
I realized I was lost and didn’t know what I was going to do after high school, so after a very short career in college, I decided to join the military. And that was exactly what I needed at the time.
The military shaped me, humbled me, and ultimately made me learn to never take my life for granted.
I have lost close friends, and even had a couple close calls myself, while I served. Nonetheless, I grew a strong appreciation for the military, and what we did to serve our country.
The day I returned home to Hawai’i, I coincidentally met Kris. I did not get to talk to her much the night we met, but little did I know that us meeting was going to drastically change my life.
A few months later, we went on our first date. A few weeks after that, she was my girlfriend. Our love grew fast, and it grew stronger than any other love I have known before.
But I saw her struggle with her job. She came home to me so unhappy, that sometimes she would just lay in bed crying. We would watch puppy and kitten videos to try distract her.
I knew Kris was the type of woman to do anything to make her dreams a reality, and she proved me right. She came to me and said she was going to start this online journey. She had no idea how, or what to do, but she was going to go for it.
Of course I was skeptical as hell, but after seeing her suffer so much from her job, why would I stop her?
I gave her a kiss on the forehead and told her to go for it. I was internally screaming, thinking we were going to go into debt over this business, but I trusted her.
Six months later, Kris was making enough money from her online business to cover all of our bills; including our mortgage and her student loans, without even touching our paychecks from our jobs. Not only that, but we also had enough money saved where I could start my own online business and join her.


I told her to help me get started working online so that I could join her. We became an entrepreneurial couple, which I did not envision for myself just a few months before it happened.
Fast forward later in 2019, it came the time for me to decide if I was going to re-enlist in the military. I had a pre-exisiting health condition that was starting to take a toll on my body, and I also knew that I wanted to have time and location freedom so I can travel with Kris.
It was not an easy decision to make, but I made the choice to end my military career to focus on my health, and to also support a decision I made with my new wife. We started this journey together, and I have honestly never been more proud of her, and of us.

Working online has saved both of our lives.

Join us on our adventure through travel, life, and entrepreneurism.